
【飾り扇子】束ね熨斗鷹文/Hawk with Bundling Noshi Design:紅緋色/Scarlet Red

¥18,150 税込


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束ね熨斗は、大胆で躍動的な構図が特徴です。 たくさんの熨斗を束ねることから多くの人たちから祝福を受けていることや、人と人との繋がり、その長さからは長寿の象徴とされ、様々なおめでたい意味を含む吉祥文様です。贈り物への心遣いや、人と人との絆、つながりを象徴しています。


扇面・扇骨・仕上加工ともすべて京都及びその近郊、国内で生産され扇子のことを言います。 「87回職人の手を通る」といわれている「京扇子」。 扇子の製造工程は細かく何十にも分けられ、扇骨から扇面地紙・上絵・折り加工・仕上げと、それぞれの工程の職人がひとつひとつ丁寧に仕上げています。




【Decorative folding fan】

[Title]Hawk with Bundling Noshi Design (Tabane-noshi Taka-mon)

[Color]Scarlet Red(Benihi-iro)

[Blessings] Unyielding Warrior's Luck、 Succeed in life

The "Tabane Noshi Taka Mon" is a traditional Japanese pattern often used on celebratory garments such as baby kimono for shrine visits and ceremonial kimono (noshi-me). This pattern conveys the wish to receive blessings from many people and to share that happiness with others.

The *Tabane Noshi* is characterized by its bold and dynamic design. The bundle of numerous *noshi* strips symbolizes receiving blessings from many people, human connections, and, due to its length, represents longevity, making it an auspicious motif with various positive meanings. It also signifies thoughtfulness in gift-giving and the bonds between people.

The *Taka* (hawk) motif carries meanings such as "foresight," "the ability to see the essence of things," "the power to grow without missing opportunities for luck and fortune," and "success and great achievements." The hawk has long been associated with the ruling class and is regarded as a symbol of authority.

[Material] Paper, bamboo, Gold Leaf
[Regarding sizes] Closed length: 23.5cm, Open length: 46.5cm
[Weight] 50g *Folding fan only
[Accessories] Folding fan stand, original paulownia box
[Country of origin] Japan (Kyoto)

[About Kyo-sensu]
The surface, ribs, and finishing process of Kyo-sensu are all produced in Kyoto or its suburbs, and are made in Japan. Kyo-sensu are said to pass through the hands of craftsmen 87 times. The manufacturing process of a fan is divided into dozens of detailed steps, and each step is carefully finished by a craftsman at each step, from the ribs to the base paper, overpainting, folding, and finishing.

[Note on stock quantity]
We make our products to order, but due to system reasons, the stock quantity is set to "1".
Please note that we will start production after receiving your order.
*We may have stock available.

[Production period]
Since these are made to order, they will be carefully made by craftsmen in Kyoto.
Please note that it may take about two months for delivery after your order is placed.

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¥18,150 税込
