KYOTO KENRANは、これまで京友禅のデザインとして描かれてきた絢爛豪華な作品を、いまあるものに掛け合わせて、現代にその文化的価値を受け継いでいくことを目指したプロジェクトです。
Art works
【紙扇子】松に鷹文其の一/Hawk Perching on Pine Trees Design Ver.Ⅰ:紺青色/Navy Blue
【紙扇子】 [文様]松に鷹文 其の一 [色彩]紺青色 [恩恵]武運長久、立身出世 [意味] 「松に鷹文」は、日本の伝統的な価値観や精神性を象徴する吉祥文様です。 鷹は「志の高さ」「勇猛果敢」「成功」を意味し、鋭い眼光は邪気を払い、鋭い爪は幸運を掴むとされています。一方の松は、「不老長寿」「繁栄」「不変の強さ」を象徴します。鷹が松にしっかりと留まる姿は、「困難に負けず、高みを目指しながらも、揺るがぬ信念を持つこと」の大切さを示しています。 この図案は、武士道の精神や商人の成功哲学とも結びつき、「努力と安定」「挑戦と忍耐」の調和を象徴しています。京友禅に描かれることで、日本人の理想とする生き方を視覚的に表現し、未来への繁栄や成功への願いを込めたものとなっています。 [素材]和紙、竹 [規格]閉じた長さ:約22cm、開いた状態:約36cm [重さ]25g※本体のみ [付属品]扇子袋、オリジナル紙箱 [生産国]日本(京都) [京扇子について] 扇面・扇骨・仕上加工ともすべて京都及びその近郊、国内で生産され扇子のことを言います。 「87回職人の手を通る」といわれている「京扇子」。 扇子の製造工程は細かく何十にも分けられ、扇骨から扇面地紙・上絵・折り加工・仕上げと、それぞれの工程の職人がひとつひとつ丁寧に仕上げています。 [在庫数のご注意] 受注制作にて対応させて頂いておりますが、システムの都合上、在庫数を「1」としています。 ご注文後、制作させて頂きますことをご了承下さい。 ※在庫がある場合もございます。 [制作期間] 受注制作の為、京都の職人が丁寧に作らせて頂きます。 ご注文後、納品まで約2か月かかる場合があることをご承知おき下さい。 [オススメのご用途] ◎プレゼント・ギフト ◎各種お祝い・引き出物・内祝い ◎新築・増改築・開店お祝い ◎ご婚約、ご結婚お祝い ◎出産内祝い ◎海外へのお土産 ◎各種記念品として ------------------------------------------------------------- 【 Japanese paper fan 】 [Title] Hawk Perching on Pine Trees Design Ver.Ⅰ (MatsuniTaka-mon sono-1) [Color] Navy Blue(Konpekii-iro) [Blessings] Unyielding Warrior's Luck、 Succeed in life [Meaning] The **"Pine and Hawk" motif** is an auspicious design that symbolizes traditional Japanese values and spirituality. The hawk represents **high aspirations, courage, and success**. Its sharp gaze is believed to ward off evil, while its powerful talons symbolize the ability to seize good fortune. On the other hand, the pine tree symbolizes **longevity, prosperity, and unwavering strength**. The image of a hawk firmly perched on a pine tree conveys the importance of **overcoming difficulties, striving for greater heights, and maintaining unwavering determination**. This motif is closely linked to the spirit of **Bushido (the way of the warrior)** and the philosophy of success among merchants. It embodies the balance between **effort and stability, challenge and perseverance**. Depicted in **Kyoto Yuzen dyeing**, this design visually expresses the ideal way of life for the Japanese people, carrying wishes for future prosperity and success. [Material] Paper, bamboo [Regarding sizes] Closed length: 22cm, Open length: 36cm [Weight] 25g *Folding fan only [Accessories] Fan bag, original paper box [Country of origin] Japan (Kyoto) [About Kyo-sensu] The surface, ribs, and finishing process of Kyo-sensu are all produced in Kyoto or its suburbs, and are made in Japan. Kyo-sensu are said to pass through the hands of craftsmen 87 times. The manufacturing process of a fan is divided into dozens of detailed steps, and each step is carefully finished by a craftsman at each step, from the ribs to the base paper, overpainting, folding, and finishing. [Note on stock quantity] We make our products to order, but due to system reasons, the stock quantity is set to "1". Please note that we will start production after receiving your order. *We may have stock available. [Production period] Since these are made to order, they will be carefully made by craftsmen in Kyoto. Please note that it may take about two months for delivery after your order is placed.
【飾り扇子】束ね熨斗鷹文/Hawk with Bundling Noshi Design:紅緋色/Scarlet Red
【飾り扇子】 [文様]束ね熨斗鷹文 [色彩]紅緋色 [恩恵]武運長久、立身出世 [意味] 束ね熨斗鷹文は、日本の伝統的な文様であり、お宮参りの産着や祝着(のしめ)などの祝い着に用いられます。この文様には、多くの人からの祝福を受けることや、その幸せを周囲と分かち合う願いが込められています。 束ね熨斗は、大胆で躍動的な構図が特徴です。 たくさんの熨斗を束ねることから多くの人たちから祝福を受けていることや、人と人との繋がり、その長さからは長寿の象徴とされ、様々なおめでたい意味を含む吉祥文様です。贈り物への心遣いや、人と人との絆、つながりを象徴しています。 鷹の文様には、「先を見通す力」「本質を見抜く力」「運や幸運を逃さず成長する力」「出世や大成」といった意味があります。鷹は古くから支配者階級と深い関わりがあり、権威の象徴ともされています。 [素材]和紙、竹、金箔 [規格]閉じた長さ:約23.5cm、開いた状態:約46.5cm [重さ]50g※本体のみ [付属品]扇子立て、オリジナル桐箱 [生産国]日本(京都) [京扇子について] 扇面・扇骨・仕上加工ともすべて京都及びその近郊、国内で生産され扇子のことを言います。 「87回職人の手を通る」といわれている「京扇子」。 扇子の製造工程は細かく何十にも分けられ、扇骨から扇面地紙・上絵・折り加工・仕上げと、それぞれの工程の職人がひとつひとつ丁寧に仕上げています。 [在庫数のご注意] 受注制作にて対応させて頂いておりますが、システムの都合上、在庫数を「1」としています。 ご注文後、制作させて頂きますことをご了承下さい。 ※在庫がある場合もございます。 [制作期間] 受注制作の為、京都の職人が丁寧に作らせて頂きます。 ご注文後、納品まで約2か月かかる場合があることをご承知おき下さい。 [オススメのご用途] ◎プレゼント・ギフト ◎各種お祝い・引き出物・内祝い ◎新築・増改築・開店お祝い ◎ご婚約、ご結婚お祝い ◎出産内祝い ◎海外へのお土産 ◎各種記念品として ------------------------------------------------------------- 【Decorative folding fan】 [Title]Hawk with Bundling Noshi Design (Tabane-noshi Taka-mon) [Color]Scarlet Red(Benihi-iro) [Blessings] Unyielding Warrior's Luck、 Succeed in life [Meaning] The "Tabane Noshi Taka Mon" is a traditional Japanese pattern often used on celebratory garments such as baby kimono for shrine visits and ceremonial kimono (noshi-me). This pattern conveys the wish to receive blessings from many people and to share that happiness with others. The *Tabane Noshi* is characterized by its bold and dynamic design. The bundle of numerous *noshi* strips symbolizes receiving blessings from many people, human connections, and, due to its length, represents longevity, making it an auspicious motif with various positive meanings. It also signifies thoughtfulness in gift-giving and the bonds between people. The *Taka* (hawk) motif carries meanings such as "foresight," "the ability to see the essence of things," "the power to grow without missing opportunities for luck and fortune," and "success and great achievements." The hawk has long been associated with the ruling class and is regarded as a symbol of authority. [Material] Paper, bamboo, Gold Leaf [Regarding sizes] Closed length: 23.5cm, Open length: 46.5cm [Weight] 50g *Folding fan only [Accessories] Folding fan stand, original paulownia box [Country of origin] Japan (Kyoto) [About Kyo-sensu] The surface, ribs, and finishing process of Kyo-sensu are all produced in Kyoto or its suburbs, and are made in Japan. Kyo-sensu are said to pass through the hands of craftsmen 87 times. The manufacturing process of a fan is divided into dozens of detailed steps, and each step is carefully finished by a craftsman at each step, from the ribs to the base paper, overpainting, folding, and finishing. [Note on stock quantity] We make our products to order, but due to system reasons, the stock quantity is set to "1". Please note that we will start production after receiving your order. *We may have stock available. [Production period] Since these are made to order, they will be carefully made by craftsmen in Kyoto. Please note that it may take about two months for delivery after your order is placed.
【キャンバスアート】波に鯉鷹文/ Carp and Hawk Motif in the Waves Design :紺碧色/Cerulean Blue
【キャンバスアート】 [文様]波に鯉鷹文(なみにこいたかもん) [色彩]紺碧色 [恩恵]勇猛果敢、立身出世、富貴繁栄 [意味] 「波に鯉鷹文」は、力強く打ち寄せる波の中を勇敢に泳ぐ鯉と、威厳をもって上空を舞う鷹を描いた日本の伝統的な吉祥文様です。 波は人生の試練や困難を象徴し、水の流れが絶えず続くことから延命長寿の意味も含まれます。鯉は激流に立ち向かう姿が努力と成長の象徴とされ、生命力の強さや「鯉の滝のぼり」の故事により立身出世の吉祥柄として親しまれています。 一方、鷹は頂点に立つ存在として成功や栄光を表すとともに、遠くを見通す鋭い眼差しは知恵と権威の象徴です。また、その鋭い爪は幸運や成功をしっかりと掴む力を象徴しています。 この文様全体は、困難に立ち向かい続けることで高みへと到達し、栄光を掴むという人生の教訓を表しています。波間を力強く泳ぐ鯉と、大空を優雅に舞う鷹の対比は、努力の先にある成功の美しさと、勇猛さ・リーダーシップの精神を称えるものとして古くから親しまれてきました。 [素材]麻、桐、プラチナ粉 [規格]高さ727×幅606×奥行18mm [重さ]900g [送料] 送料および配送方法についてはご確認ください。 [在庫数のご注意] 受注制作にて対応させて頂いておりますが、システムの都合上、在庫数を「1」としています。 ご注文後、制作させて頂きますことをご了承下さい。 [制作期間] 受注制作の為、ご注文後、納品まで約一か月かかります。 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 【Canvas Art】 [Title] Carp and Hawk Motif in the Waves Design (Nami ni Koi Taka-mon) [Color] Cerulean Blue(Konpeki-iro) [Blessings] Brave and courageous, Succeed in life, Fortune and Flourishing [Meaning] The "Wave, Koi, and Hawk Motif" is a traditional Japanese auspicious design that depicts a koi swimming bravely through powerful waves and a hawk soaring with majesty in the sky. The waves symbolize the trials and hardships of life, and the continuous flow of water also carries the meaning of longevity and eternal life. The koi, facing the strong currents, represents effort and growth. Its vitality, along with the story of "koi climbing the waterfall," makes it a beloved symbol of success and advancement in life. On the other hand, the hawk symbolizes success and glory as a creature that stands at the top. Its sharp gaze represents wisdom and authority. Additionally, its sharp claws symbolize the power to grasp fortune and success. Altogether, this motif conveys the life lesson that through continuous struggle and overcoming obstacles, one can reach greater heights and achieve glory. The contrast between the koi swimming powerfully through the waves and the hawk soaring gracefully in the sky symbolizes the beauty of success attained through effort and honors the spirit of bravery and leadership, a design cherished for centuries. [Material] Hemp, Paulownia、Platinum Powder [Size]H727×W606×D18mm [Weight]900g [Shipping] Please review the shipping fee and delivery methods. [Note on Stock Quantity] This is made to order, but due to system limitations, the stock quantity is set to "1". Please be aware that the item will be produced after your order is placed. [Production Time] As this is made to order, it will take approximately one month from the time of your order to delivery.
【キャンバスアート】波に鯉鷹文/ Carp and Hawk Motif in the Waves Design :漆黒色/Jet Black
【キャンバスアート】 [文様]波に鯉鷹文(なみにこいたかもん) [色彩]漆黒色 [恩恵]勇猛果敢、立身出世、富貴繁栄 [意味] 「波に鯉鷹文」は、力強く打ち寄せる波の中を勇敢に泳ぐ鯉と、威厳をもって上空を舞う鷹を描いた日本の伝統的な吉祥文様です。 波は人生の試練や困難を象徴し、水の流れが絶えず続くことから延命長寿の意味も含まれます。鯉は激流に立ち向かう姿が努力と成長の象徴とされ、生命力の強さや「鯉の滝のぼり」の故事により立身出世の吉祥柄として親しまれています。 一方、鷹は頂点に立つ存在として成功や栄光を表すとともに、遠くを見通す鋭い眼差しは知恵と権威の象徴です。また、その鋭い爪は幸運や成功をしっかりと掴む力を象徴しています。 この文様全体は、困難に立ち向かい続けることで高みへと到達し、栄光を掴むという人生の教訓を表しています。波間を力強く泳ぐ鯉と、大空を優雅に舞う鷹の対比は、努力の先にある成功の美しさと、勇猛さ・リーダーシップの精神を称えるものとして古くから親しまれてきました。 [素材]麻、桐、金粉 [規格]高さ727×幅606×奥行18mm [重さ]900g [送料] 送料および配送方法についてはご確認ください。 [在庫数のご注意] 受注制作にて対応させて頂いておりますが、システムの都合上、在庫数を「1」としています。 ご注文後、制作させて頂きますことをご了承下さい。 [制作期間] 受注制作の為、ご注文後、納品まで約一か月かかります。 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 【Canvas Art 】 [Title] Carp and Hawk Motif in the Waves Design (Nami ni Koi Taka-mon) [Color] Jet Black(Shikkoku-iro) [Blessings] Brave and courageous, Succeed in life, Fortune and Flourishing [Meaning] The "Wave, Koi, and Hawk Motif" is a traditional Japanese auspicious design that depicts a koi swimming bravely through powerful waves and a hawk soaring with majesty in the sky. The waves symbolize the trials and hardships of life, and the continuous flow of water also carries the meaning of longevity and eternal life. The koi, facing the strong currents, represents effort and growth. Its vitality, along with the story of "koi climbing the waterfall," makes it a beloved symbol of success and advancement in life. On the other hand, the hawk symbolizes success and glory as a creature that stands at the top. Its sharp gaze represents wisdom and authority. Additionally, its sharp claws symbolize the power to grasp fortune and success. Altogether, this motif conveys the life lesson that through continuous struggle and overcoming obstacles, one can reach greater heights and achieve glory. The contrast between the koi swimming powerfully through the waves and the hawk soaring gracefully in the sky symbolizes the beauty of success attained through effort and honors the spirit of bravery and leadership, a design cherished for centuries. [Material] Hemp, Paulownia、Gold Dust [Size]H727×W606×D18mm [Weight]900g [Shipping] Please review the shipping fee and delivery methods. [Note on Stock Quantity] This is made to order, but due to system limitations, the stock quantity is set to "1". Please be aware that the item will be produced after your order is placed. [Production Time] As this is made to order, it will take approximately one month from the time of your order to delivery.
束ね熨斗上目鷹文/Hawk with Bundling Noshi Design :藍色/Indigo Blue
[文様]束ね熨斗上目鷹文 [色彩]藍色 [恩恵]武運長久、立身出世 [意味] 「束ね熨斗鷹文」は、日本の伝統的な文様であり、お宮参りの産着や祝着(のしめ)などの祝い着に用いられます。この文様には、多くの人からの祝福を受けることや、その幸せを周囲と分かち合う願いが込められています。 束ね熨斗は、大胆で躍動的な構図が特徴です。 たくさんの熨斗を束ねることから多くの人たちから祝福を受けていることや、人と人との繋がり、その長さからは長寿の象徴とされ、様々なおめでたい意味を含む吉祥文様です。贈り物への心遣いや、人と人との絆、つながりを象徴しています。 鷹の文様には、「先を見通す力」「本質を見抜く力」「運や幸運を逃さず成長する力」「出世や大成」といった意味があります。鷹は古くから支配者階級と深い関わりがあり、権威の象徴ともされています。 [素材]麻キャンバス、桐枠、プラチナ箔 [規格]高さ455×幅380×奥行18mm [重さ]400g [送料] 送料および配送方法についてはご確認ください。 [在庫数のご注意] 受注制作にて対応させて頂いておりますが、システムの都合上、在庫数を「1」としています。 ご注文後、制作させて頂きますことをご了承下さい。 [制作期間] 受注制作の為、ご注文後、納品まで約一か月かかります。 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ [Title] Hawk with Bundling Noshi Design [Color] Lapis Lazuli Blue [Blessings] Courage and Bravery, Success and Advancement, Wealth and Prosperity, Attracting Wealth and Treasures [Meaning] The "Tabane Noshi Taka Mon" is a traditional Japanese pattern often used on celebratory garments such as baby kimono for shrine visits and ceremonial kimono (noshi-me). This pattern conveys the wish to receive blessings from many people and to share that happiness with others. The *Tabane Noshi* is characterized by its bold and dynamic design. The bundle of numerous *noshi* strips symbolizes receiving blessings from many people, human connections, and, due to its length, represents longevity, making it an auspicious motif with various positive meanings. It also signifies thoughtfulness in gift-giving and the bonds between people. The *Taka* (hawk) motif carries meanings such as "foresight," "the ability to see the essence of things," "the power to grow without missing opportunities for luck and fortune," and "success and great achievements." The hawk has long been associated with the ruling class and is regarded as a symbol of authority. [Material] Linen canvas, Paulownia frame Platinum foil [Size] H455×W380×D18mm [Weight] 400g [Shipping] Please review the shipping fee and delivery methods. [Note on Stock Quantity] This is made to order, but due to system limitations, the stock quantity is set to "1". Please be aware that the item will be produced after your order is placed. [Production Time] As this is made to order, it will take approximately one month from the time of your order to delivery.
【キャンバスアート】束ね熨斗鷹文/Hawk with Bundling Noshi Design :瑠璃色/Lapis Lazuli Blue
【キャンバスアート】 [文様]束ね熨斗鷹文 [色彩]瑠璃色 [恩恵]武運長久、立身出世 [意味] 「束ね熨斗鷹文」は、日本の伝統的な文様であり、お宮参りの産着や祝着(のしめ)などの祝い着に用いられます。この文様には、多くの人からの祝福を受けることや、その幸せを周囲と分かち合う願いが込められています。 束ね熨斗は、大胆で躍動的な構図が特徴です。 たくさんの熨斗を束ねることから多くの人たちから祝福を受けていることや、人と人との繋がり、その長さからは長寿の象徴とされ、様々なおめでたい意味を含む吉祥文様です。贈り物への心遣いや、人と人との絆、つながりを象徴しています。 鷹の文様には、「先を見通す力」「本質を見抜く力」「運や幸運を逃さず成長する力」「出世や大成」といった意味があります。鷹は古くから支配者階級と深い関わりがあり、権威の象徴ともされています。 [素材]麻、桐、プラチナ粉 [規格]高さ727×幅606×奥行18mm [重さ]900g [送料] 送料および配送方法についてはご確認ください。 [在庫数のご注意] 受注制作にて対応させて頂いておりますが、システムの都合上、在庫数を「1」としています。 ご注文後、制作させて頂きますことをご了承下さい。 [制作期間] 受注制作の為、ご注文後、納品まで約一か月かかります。 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 【Canvas Art】 [Title] Hawk with Bundling Noshi Design [Color] Lapis Lazuli Blue [Blessings] Unyielding Warrior's Luck、 Succeed in life [Meaning] The "Tabane Noshi Taka Mon" is a traditional Japanese pattern often used on celebratory garments such as baby kimono for shrine visits and ceremonial kimono (noshi-me). This pattern conveys the wish to receive blessings from many people and to share that happiness with others. The *Tabane Noshi* is characterized by its bold and dynamic design. The bundle of numerous *noshi* strips symbolizes receiving blessings from many people, human connections, and, due to its length, represents longevity, making it an auspicious motif with various positive meanings. It also signifies thoughtfulness in gift-giving and the bonds between people. The *Taka* (hawk) motif carries meanings such as "foresight," "the ability to see the essence of things," "the power to grow without missing opportunities for luck and fortune," and "success and great achievements." The hawk has long been associated with the ruling class and is regarded as a symbol of authority. [ Material] Hemp, Paulownia、 Platinum Powder [Size]H727×W606×D18mm [Weight]900g [Shipping] Please review the shipping fee and delivery methods. [Note on Stock Quantity] This is made to order, but due to system limitations, the stock quantity is set to "1". Please be aware that the item will be produced after your order is placed. [Production Time] As this is made to order, it will take approximately one month from the time of your order to delivery.
【キャンバスアート】束ね熨斗鷹文/Hawk with Bundling Noshi Design :col 紅緋色/Scarlet Red
【キャンバスアート】 [文様]束ね熨斗鷹文 [色彩]瑠璃色 [恩恵]武運長久、立身出世 [意味] 「束ね熨斗鷹文」は、日本の伝統的な文様であり、お宮参りの産着や祝着(のしめ)などの祝い着に用いられます。この文様には、多くの人からの祝福を受けることや、その幸せを周囲と分かち合う願いが込められています。 束ね熨斗は、大胆で躍動的な構図が特徴です。 たくさんの熨斗を束ねることから多くの人たちから祝福を受けていることや、人と人との繋がり、その長さからは長寿の象徴とされ、様々なおめでたい意味を含む吉祥文様です。贈り物への心遣いや、人と人との絆、つながりを象徴しています。 鷹の文様には、「先を見通す力」「本質を見抜く力」「運や幸運を逃さず成長する力」「出世や大成」といった意味があります。鷹は古くから支配者階級と深い関わりがあり、権威の象徴ともされています。 [素材]麻、桐、金粉 [規格]高さ727×幅606×奥行18mm [重さ]900g [送料] 送料および配送方法についてはご確認ください。 [在庫数のご注意] 受注制作にて対応させて頂いておりますが、システムの都合上、在庫数を「1」としています。 ご注文後、制作させて頂きますことをご了承下さい。 [制作期間] 受注制作の為、ご注文後、納品まで約一か月かかります。 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 【Canvas Art】 [Title] Hawk with Bundling Noshi Design (Tabane-noshi Taka-mon) [Color] Scarlet Red(Benihi-iro) [Blessings] Unyielding Warrior's Luck、 Succeed in life [Meaning] The "Tabane Noshi Taka Mon" is a traditional Japanese pattern often used on celebratory garments such as baby kimono for shrine visits and ceremonial kimono (noshi-me). This pattern conveys the wish to receive blessings from many people and to share that happiness with others. The *Tabane Noshi* is characterized by its bold and dynamic design. The bundle of numerous *noshi* strips symbolizes receiving blessings from many people, human connections, and, due to its length, represents longevity, making it an auspicious motif with various positive meanings. It also signifies thoughtfulness in gift-giving and the bonds between people. The *Taka* (hawk) motif carries meanings such as "foresight," "the ability to see the essence of things," "the power to grow without missing opportunities for luck and fortune," and "success and great achievements." The hawk has long been associated with the ruling class and is regarded as a symbol of authority. [Material] Hemp, Paulownia、Gold Dust [Size]H727×W606×D18mm [Weight]900g [Shipping] Please review the shipping fee and delivery methods. [Note on Stock Quantity] This is made to order, but due to system limitations, the stock quantity is set to "1". Please be aware that the item will be produced after your order is placed. [Production Time] As this is made to order, it will take approximately one month from the time of your order to delivery.
Dragon Helmet Design (Kabuto-mon):Green Blue
[Title] Dragon Helmet Design (Kabuto-mon) [Color] Green Blue(Hanarokushou-iro) [Blessing] Everlasting Martial Fortune, Success in Life. [Description] Helmets are regarded as protective amulets against malevolent energy and calamities, symbolizing warding off evil and guardianship. [Regarding sizes] Visual image is in M size (W727×H606×D18mm). Other sizes are also available. *This price is for domestic sales in Japan. *Shipping:Please review the shipping fee and delivery methods. *Please contact us for orders of S size and L size. We will create a dedicated sales page for you. [Silkscreen Art] The artwork will be created once the order is confirmed for production. My artworks come as canvases mounted on wooden frames. Experience Kyoto's heritage in my art—crafted in our historic atelier since 1935. Each piece reflects the timeless beauty of Kyoto tradition. Embrace a piece of Kyoto's soul. Thank you for considering Kyoto Kenran's creations.
【キャンバスアート】松に鷹文 其の一/Hawk Perching on Pine Trees Design Ver.Ⅰ:紺青色/Navy Blue
【キャンバスアート】 [文様]松に鷹文 其の一 [色彩]紺青色 [恩恵]勇猛果敢、飛躍躍進 [意味] 「松に鷹文」は、日本の伝統的な価値観や精神性を象徴する吉祥文様です。 鷹は「志の高さ」「勇猛果敢」「成功」を意味し、鋭い眼光は邪気を払い、鋭い爪は幸運を掴むとされています。一方の松は、「不老長寿」「繁栄」「不変の強さ」を象徴します。鷹が松にしっかりと留まる姿は、「困難に負けず、高みを目指しながらも、揺るがぬ信念を持つこと」の大切さを示しています。 この図案は、武士道の精神や商人の成功哲学とも結びつき、「努力と安定」「挑戦と忍耐」の調和を象徴しています。京友禅に描かれることで、日本人の理想とする生き方を視覚的に表現し、未来への繁栄や成功への願いを込めたものとなっています。 [素材]麻キャンバス、桐枠、プラチナ粉 [規格]高さ455×幅380×奥行18mm [重さ]900g※本体のみ [生産国]日本(京都) [送料] 送料および配送方法についてはご確認ください。 [在庫数のご注意] 受注制作にて対応させて頂いておりますが、システムの都合上、在庫数を「1」としています。 ご注文後、制作させて頂きますことをご了承下さい。 [制作期間] 受注制作の為、ご注文後、納品まで約一か月かかります。 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 【canvas art】 [Title] Hawks Perching on Pine Tree Design Ver.1 [Color] Lapis Lazuli Blue [Blessings] Courage and Bravery, Success and Advancement [Meaning] The **"Pine and Hawk" motif** is an auspicious design that symbolizes traditional Japanese values and spirituality. The hawk represents **high aspirations, courage, and success**. Its sharp gaze is believed to ward off evil, while its powerful talons symbolize the ability to seize good fortune. On the other hand, the pine tree symbolizes **longevity, prosperity, and unwavering strength**. The image of a hawk firmly perched on a pine tree conveys the importance of **overcoming difficulties, striving for greater heights, and maintaining unwavering determination**. This motif is closely linked to the spirit of **Bushido (the way of the warrior)** and the philosophy of success among merchants. It embodies the balance between **effort and stability, challenge and perseverance**. Depicted in **Kyoto Yuzen dyeing**, this design visually expresses the ideal way of life for the Japanese people, carrying wishes for future prosperity and success. [Material] Linen canvas, Paulownia frame,Platinum Powder [Regarding sizes] H455×W380×D18mm [Weight] 900g *Canvas art only [Country of origin] Japan (Kyoto) [Shipping] Please review the shipping fee and delivery methods. [Note on Stock Quantity] This is made to order, but due to system limitations, the stock quantity is set to "1". Please be aware that the item will be produced after your order is placed. [Production Time] As this is made to order, it will take approximately one month from the time of your order to delivery.
Hawk Perching on Pine Trees Design Ver.Ⅱ( Matsu ni Taka-mon ):Turmeric Yellow
[Title] Hawk Perching on Pine Trees Design ( Matsu ni Taka-mon ) [Color] Turmeric Yellow(Ukon-iro) [Blessing] Everlasting Martial Fortune, Success in Life. [Description] The hawk is believed to ward off negative energy with its sharp gaze and grasp fortune with its sharp talons. [Regarding sizes] Visual image is in S size (W455×H380×D18mm). Other sizes are also available. ・M size (W727×H606×D18mm) is priced at ¥220,000. ・L size (W910×H727×D18mm) is priced at ¥330,000. *This price is for domestic sales in Japan. *Shipping:Please review the shipping fee and delivery methods. *Please contact us for orders of M size and L size. We will create a dedicated sales page for you. [Silkscreen Art] The artwork will be created once the order is confirmed for production. My artworks come as canvases mounted on wooden frames. Experience Kyoto's heritage in my art—crafted in our historic atelier since 1935. Each piece reflects the timeless beauty of Kyoto tradition. Embrace a piece of Kyoto's soul. Thank you for considering Kyoto Kenran's creations.
束ね熨斗上目鷹文/Hawk with Bundling Noshi Design :緑青色/Verdigris Green
[文様] 束ね熨斗上目鷹文 [色彩] 緑青色 [恩恵] 武運長久、立身出世 [意味] 「束ね熨斗鷹文」は、日本の伝統的な文様であり、お宮参りの産着や祝着(のしめ)などの祝い着に用いられます。この文様には、多くの人からの祝福を受けることや、その幸せを周囲と分かち合う願いが込められています。 束ね熨斗は、大胆で躍動的な構図が特徴です。 たくさんの熨斗を束ねることから多くの人たちから祝福を受けていることや、人と人との繋がり、その長さからは長寿の象徴とされ、様々なおめでたい意味を含む吉祥文様です。贈り物への心遣いや、人と人との絆、つながりを象徴しています。 鷹の文様には、「先を見通す力」「本質を見抜く力」「運や幸運を逃さず成長する力」「出世や大成」といった意味があります。鷹は古くから支配者階級と深い関わりがあり、権威の象徴ともされています。 [素材] 麻キャンバス、桐枠、金箔 [規格] 高さ455×幅380×奥行18mm [送料] 送料および配送方法についてはご確認ください。 [在庫数のご注意] 受注制作にて対応させて頂いておりますが、システムの都合上、在庫数を「1」としています。 ご注文後、制作させて頂きますことをご了承下さい。 [制作期間] 受注制作の為、ご注文後、納品まで約一か月かかります。 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ [Title] Hawk with Bundling Noshi Design [Color] Lapis Lazuli Blue [Blessings] Courage and Bravery, Success and Advancement, Wealth and Prosperity, Attracting Wealth and Treasures [Meaning] The "Tabane Noshi Taka Mon" is a traditional Japanese pattern often used on celebratory garments such as baby kimono for shrine visits and ceremonial kimono (noshi-me). This pattern conveys the wish to receive blessings from many people and to share that happiness with others. The *Tabane Noshi* is characterized by its bold and dynamic design. The bundle of numerous *noshi* strips symbolizes receiving blessings from many people, human connections, and, due to its length, represents longevity, making it an auspicious motif with various positive meanings. It also signifies thoughtfulness in gift-giving and the bonds between people. The *Taka* (hawk) motif carries meanings such as "foresight," "the ability to see the essence of things," "the power to grow without missing opportunities for luck and fortune," and "success and great achievements." The hawk has long been associated with the ruling class and is regarded as a symbol of authority. [Material] Linen canvas, Paulownia frame,Gold Leaf [Regarding sizes] H455×W380×D18mm [Shipping] Please review the shipping fee and delivery methods. [Note on Stock Quantity] This is made to order, but due to system limitations, the stock quantity is set to "1". Please be aware that the item will be produced after your order is placed. [Production Time] As this is made to order, it will take approximately one month from the time of your order to delivery.
雅久寿玉文/Elegant Longevity Jewel Design (Miyabi Kusu Tama-mon):/紅色Crimson
[文様]雅久寿玉文 [色彩]紅色 [恩恵]災難厄除、無病息災 [意味] 「久寿玉」とは、邪気を払うために、室内に掛けた薬玉を文様化したものです。古くは平安時代、中国で端午の節句・5月5日に魔除けを祈願する風習が日本へ伝わり、平安貴族間の行事の一つとしてとり行われていました。五色の糸は古代中国において森羅万象を形作る五行(木・火・土・金・水)が調和した状態を表すもので、四季が順当にめぐり、世界が泰平で円満に運ぶようにとの願いが込められています。 端午の節句に行われていた「観騎射式」(後の流鏑馬の先駆けとなるもの)の際には天皇に献上されたものが諸臣に下賜されるなど、その華やかさからも贈答品として平安貴族の間で重宝されていました。 この行事は江戸時代まで続きましたがそれ以降は庶民の間で女児の玩具として流行しました。やがてその華麗さかさから、邪気を払い長寿を意味する吉祥文様として女性の晴れ着や女児の七五三の着物に多く取り入れられるようになりました。 平安貴族達の華やかな王朝文化を垣間見ることのできる、雅な柄行きです。 [Title] Elegant Longevity Jewel Design (Miyabi Kusu Tama-mon) [Color] Crimson(Beni-iro) [Blessing] Protection from Calamities, Safe and Sound
Floral Abundance with Mizuhiki Design (Hana Tsukushi Mizuhiki-mon):Lapis Lazuli Blue:S size*domestic price
[Title] Floral Abundance with Mizuhiki Design (Hana Tsukushi Mizuhiki-mon) [Color] Lapis Lazuli Blue(Ruri-iro) [Blessing] Bountiful Harvest, Longevity [Description] This design incorporates plum blossoms, cherry blossoms, and chrysanthemums, symbolizing celebration, auspiciousness, and happiness. [Regarding sizes] Visual image is in S size (W455×H380×D18mm). Other sizes are also available. ・M size (W727×H606×D18mm) is priced at ¥176,000. ・L size (W910×H727×D18mm) is priced at ¥264,000. *This price is for domestic sales in Japan. *Shipping:Please review the shipping fee and delivery methods. *Please contact us for orders of M size and L size. We will create a dedicated sales page for you. [Silkscreen Art] The artwork will be created once the order is confirmed for production. My artworks come as canvases mounted on wooden frames. Experience Kyoto's heritage in my art—crafted in our historic atelier since 1935. Each piece reflects the timeless beauty of Kyoto tradition. Embrace a piece of Kyoto's soul. Thank you for considering Kyoto Kenran's creations.
Hawk Perching on Pine Trees Design Ver.Ⅰ( Matsu ni Taka-mon ):Pure White:S size*domestic price
[Title] Hawk Perching on Pine Trees Design Ver.Ⅰ ( Matsu ni Taka-mon ) [Color] Pure White(Shirahana-iro) [Blessing] Everlasting Martial Fortune, Success in Life. [Description] The hawk is believed to ward off negative energy with its sharp gaze and grasp fortune with its sharp talons. [Regarding sizes] Visual image is in S size (W455×H380×D18mm). Other sizes are also available. ・M size (W727×H606×D18mm) is priced at ¥220,000. ・L size (W910×H727×D18mm) is priced at ¥330,000. *This price is for domestic sales in Japan. *Shipping:Please review the shipping fee and delivery methods. *Please contact us for orders of M size and L size. We will create a dedicated sales page for you. [Silkscreen Art] The artwork will be created once the order is confirmed for production. My artworks come as canvases mounted on wooden frames. Experience Kyoto's heritage in my art—crafted in our historic atelier since 1935. Each piece reflects the timeless beauty of Kyoto tradition. Embrace a piece of Kyoto's soul. Thank you for considering Kyoto Kenran's creations.
【飾り扇子】波に鷹文/Carp and Hawk Motif in the Waves Design:漆黒色/Jet Black
【飾り扇子】 [文様]波に鯉鷹文 [色彩]漆黒色 [恩恵] 勇猛果敢、立身出世、富貴繁栄 [意味] 「波に鯉鷹文」は、力強く打ち寄せる波の中を勇敢に泳ぐ鯉と、威厳をもって上空を舞う鷹を描いた日本の伝統的な吉祥文様です。 波は人生の試練や困難を象徴し、水の流れが絶えず続くことから延命長寿の意味も含まれます。鯉は激流に立ち向かう姿が努力と成長の象徴とされ、生命力の強さや「鯉の滝のぼり」の故事により立身出世の吉祥柄として親しまれています。 一方、鷹は頂点に立つ存在として成功や栄光を表すとともに、遠くを見通す鋭い眼差しは知恵と権威の象徴です。また、その鋭い爪は幸運や成功をしっかりと掴む力を象徴しています。 この文様全体は、困難に立ち向かい続けることで高みへと到達し、栄光を掴むという人生の教訓を表しています。波間を力強く泳ぐ鯉と、大空を優雅に舞う鷹の対比は、努力の先にある成功の美しさと、勇猛さ・リーダーシップの精神を称えるものとして古くから親しまれてきました。 [素材]和紙、竹、金箔 [規格]閉じた長さ:約23.5cm、開いた状態:約46.5cm [重さ]50g※本体のみ [付属品]扇子立て、オリジナル桐箱 [生産国]日本(京都) [京扇子について] 扇面・扇骨・仕上加工ともすべて京都及びその近郊、国内で生産され扇子のことを言います。 「87回職人の手を通る」といわれている「京扇子」。 扇子の製造工程は細かく何十にも分けられ、扇骨から扇面地紙・上絵・折り加工・仕上げと、それぞれの工程の職人がひとつひとつ丁寧に仕上げています。 [在庫数のご注意] 受注制作にて対応させて頂いておりますが、システムの都合上、在庫数を「1」としています。 ご注文後、制作させて頂きますことをご了承下さい。 ※在庫がある場合もございます。 [制作期間] 受注制作の為、京都の職人が丁寧に作らせて頂きます。 ご注文後、納品まで約2か月かかる場合があることをご承知おき下さい。 [オススメのご用途] ◎プレゼント・ギフト ◎各種お祝い・引き出物・内祝い ◎新築・増改築・開店お祝い ◎ご婚約、ご結婚お祝い ◎出産内祝い ◎海外へのお土産 ◎各種記念品として ------------------------------------------------------------- 【Decorative folding fan】 [Title] Carp and Hawk Motif in the Waves Design (Nami ni Koi Taka-mon) [Color] Jet Black(Shikkoku-iro) [Blessings] Brave and courageous, Succeed in life, Fortune and Flourishing [Meaning] The "Wave, Koi, and Hawk Motif" is a traditional Japanese auspicious design that depicts a koi swimming bravely through powerful waves and a hawk soaring with majesty in the sky. The waves symbolize the trials and hardships of life, and the continuous flow of water also carries the meaning of longevity and eternal life. The koi, facing the strong currents, represents effort and growth. Its vitality, along with the story of "koi climbing the waterfall," makes it a beloved symbol of success and advancement in life. On the other hand, the hawk symbolizes success and glory as a creature that stands at the top. Its sharp gaze represents wisdom and authority. Additionally, its sharp claws symbolize the power to grasp fortune and success. Altogether, this motif conveys the life lesson that through continuous struggle and overcoming obstacles, one can reach greater heights and achieve glory. The contrast between the koi swimming powerfully through the waves and the hawk soaring gracefully in the sky symbolizes the beauty of success attained through effort and honors the spirit of bravery and leadership, a design cherished for centuries. [Material] Paper, bamboo, Gold Leaf [Regarding sizes] Closed length: 23.5cm, Open length: 46.5cm [Weight] 50g *Folding fan only [Accessories] Folding fan stand, original paulownia box [Country of origin] Japan (Kyoto) [About Kyo-sensu] The surface, ribs, and finishing process of Kyo-sensu are all produced in Kyoto or its suburbs, and are made in Japan. Kyo-sensu are said to pass through the hands of craftsmen 87 times. The manufacturing process of a fan is divided into dozens of detailed steps, and each step is carefully finished by a craftsman at each step, from the ribs to the base paper, overpainting, folding, and finishing. [Note on stock quantity] We make our products to order, but due to system reasons, the stock quantity is set to "1". Please note that we will start production after receiving your order. *We may have stock available. [Production period] Since these are made to order, they will be carefully made by craftsmen in Kyoto. Please note that it may take about two months for delivery after your order is placed.
【紙扇子】松に鷹文其の二/Hawk Perching on Pine Trees Design Ver.Ⅱ : 鬱金色/Turmeric Yellow
【紙扇子】 [文様]松に鷹文 其の二 [色彩]鬱金色 [恩恵]武運長久、立身出世 [意味] 「松に鷹文」は、日本の伝統的な価値観や精神性を象徴する吉祥文様です。 鷹は「志の高さ」「勇猛果敢」「成功」を意味し、鋭い眼光は邪気を払い、鋭い爪は幸運を掴むとされています。一方の松は、「不老長寿」「繁栄」「不変の強さ」を象徴します。鷹が松にしっかりと留まる姿は、「困難に負けず、高みを目指しながらも、揺るがぬ信念を持つこと」の大切さを示しています。 この図案は、武士道の精神や商人の成功哲学とも結びつき、「努力と安定」「挑戦と忍耐」の調和を象徴しています。京友禅に描かれることで、日本人の理想とする生き方を視覚的に表現し、未来への繁栄や成功への願いを込めたものとなっています。 [素材]和紙、竹 [規格]閉じた長さ:約22cm、開いた状態:約36cm [重さ]25g※本体のみ [付属品]扇子袋、オリジナル紙箱 [生産国]日本(京都) [京扇子について] 扇面・扇骨・仕上加工ともすべて京都及びその近郊、国内で生産され扇子のことを言います。 「87回職人の手を通る」といわれている「京扇子」。 扇子の製造工程は細かく何十にも分けられ、扇骨から扇面地紙・上絵・折り加工・仕上げと、それぞれの工程の職人がひとつひとつ丁寧に仕上げています。 [在庫数のご注意] 受注制作にて対応させて頂いておりますが、システムの都合上、在庫数を「1」としています。 ご注文後、制作させて頂きますことをご了承下さい。 ※在庫がある場合もございます。 [制作期間] 受注制作の為、京都の職人が丁寧に作らせて頂きます。 ご注文後、納品まで約2か月かかる場合があることをご承知おき下さい。 [オススメのご用途] ◎プレゼント・ギフト ◎各種お祝い・引き出物・内祝い ◎新築・増改築・開店お祝い ◎ご婚約、ご結婚お祝い ◎出産内祝い ◎海外へのお土産 ◎各種記念品として ------------------------------------------------------------- 【 Japanese paper fan 】 [Title] Hawk Perching on Pine Trees Design Ver.Ⅱ (MatsuniTaka-mon sono-1) [Color]Turmeric Yellow (Ukon-iro) [Blessings] Unyielding Warrior's Luck, Succeed in life [Meaning] The **"Pine and Hawk" motif** is an auspicious design that symbolizes traditional Japanese values and spirituality. The hawk represents **high aspirations, courage, and success**. Its sharp gaze is believed to ward off evil, while its powerful talons symbolize the ability to seize good fortune. On the other hand, the pine tree symbolizes **longevity, prosperity, and unwavering strength**. The image of a hawk firmly perched on a pine tree conveys the importance of **overcoming difficulties, striving for greater heights, and maintaining unwavering determination**. This motif is closely linked to the spirit of **Bushido (the way of the warrior)** and the philosophy of success among merchants. It embodies the balance between **effort and stability, challenge and perseverance**. Depicted in **Kyoto Yuzen dyeing**, this design visually expresses the ideal way of life for the Japanese people, carrying wishes for future prosperity and success. [Material] Paper, bamboo [Regarding sizes] Closed length: 22cm, Open length: 36cm [Weight] 25g *Folding fan only [Accessories] Fan bag, original paper box [Country of origin] Japan (Kyoto) [About Kyo-sensu] The surface, ribs, and finishing process of Kyo-sensu are all produced in Kyoto or its suburbs, and are made in Japan. Kyo-sensu are said to pass through the hands of craftsmen 87 times. The manufacturing process of a fan is divided into dozens of detailed steps, and each step is carefully finished by a craftsman at each step, from the ribs to the base paper, overpainting, folding, and finishing. [Note on stock quantity] We make our products to order, but due to system reasons, the stock quantity is set to "1". Please note that we will start production after receiving your order. *We may have stock available. [Production period] Since these are made to order, they will be carefully made by craftsmen in Kyoto. Please note that it may take about two months for delivery after your order is placed.
【紙扇子】花尽くし水引き文 瑠璃色
【紙扇子】 [文様]花尽くし水引き文 [色彩]瑠璃色 [恩恵]五穀豊穣、延命長寿 [意味] 「花尽くし水引き文」— 四季の彩りと吉祥の願い 「花尽くし水引き文」は、日本の四季を象徴する梅・桜・菊・牡丹を贅沢に配し、幸福や繁栄を願う吉祥文様です。寒中に香り高く咲く梅は忍耐と希望、そして新たな始まりを象徴し、春に舞う桜は人生の美しさや儚さの中にある繁栄を映し出します。秋に気高く咲く菊は長寿と高貴の象徴であり、豪奢な牡丹は「百花の王」として、富貴と華やぎをもたらします。 これらの花々を優美に結ぶ水引は、人と人との縁をつなぎ、祝いの心を伝える大切な存在です。古来より贈答や儀礼の場に用いられ、その結び方によって願いを込める水引は、幸福と繁栄をより確かなものとします。 本意匠では、背景に深く澄んだ瑠璃色を用いることで、夜空の静寂や穏やかな水の流れを思わせ、神秘的で落ち着きのある趣をもたらします。その中に描かれる鬱金色の水引は、光を帯びた金の輝きのように、洗練された華やかさと気品を添えています。 四季折々の美しさを慈しみ、人と人とのつながりを大切にする「花尽くし水引き文」。時代を超えて受け継がれるこの意匠には、日本人が紡いできた美意識と、変わらぬ吉祥への願いが込められています。 [素材]和紙、竹 [規格]閉じた長さ:約22cm、開いた状態:約36cm [重さ]25g※本体のみ [付属品]扇子袋、オリジナル紙箱 [生産国]日本(京都) [京扇子について] 扇面・扇骨・仕上加工ともすべて京都及びその近郊、国内で生産され扇子のことを言います。 「87回職人の手を通る」といわれている「京扇子」。 扇子の製造工程は細かく何十にも分けられ、扇骨から扇面地紙・上絵・折り加工・仕上げと、それぞれの工程の職人がひとつひとつ丁寧に仕上げています。 [在庫数のご注意] 受注制作にて対応させて頂いておりますが、システムの都合上、在庫数を「1」としています。 ご注文後、制作させて頂きますことをご了承下さい。 ※在庫がある場合もございます。 [制作期間] 受注制作の為、京都の職人が丁寧に作らせて頂きます。 ご注文後、納品まで約2か月かかる場合があることをご承知おき下さい。 [オススメのご用途] ◎プレゼント・ギフト ◎各種お祝い・引き出物・内祝い ◎新築・増改築・開店お祝い ◎ご婚約、ご結婚お祝い ◎出産内祝い ◎海外へのお土産 ◎各種記念品として ------------------------------------------------------------- 【Japanese folding fan】 [Title] Floral Abundance with Mizuhiki Design(Hana Tsukusi Mizuhiki-mon) [Color] Lapis Lazuli Blue(Ruri-iro) [Blessings] Bountiful Harvest, Longevity [Meaning] "Hana-Zukushi Mizuhiki Mon" — The Colors of the Four Seasons and a Wish for Good Fortune "Hana-Zukushi Mizuhiki Mon" is a traditional Japanese auspicious pattern that lavishly incorporates plum blossoms, cherry blossoms, chrysanthemums, and peonies—flowers that symbolize the four seasons—imbued with wishes for happiness and prosperity. The fragrant plum blossoms, blooming even in the harshest cold, represent perseverance, hope, and new beginnings. The cherry blossoms, gracefully dancing in the spring breeze, reflect the fleeting beauty of life and the prosperity found within it. The noble chrysanthemum, blooming in autumn, symbolizes longevity and dignity, while the luxurious peony, known as the "King of a Hundred Flowers," embodies wealth and splendor. Elegantly tying these flowers together is the mizuhiki, a decorative cord that signifies human connections and conveys heartfelt celebrations. Since ancient times, mizuhiki has been used in gifts and ceremonies, with its knots carrying deep symbolic meanings. It strengthens the wishes for happiness and prosperity, making them even more profound. In this design, the background is rendered in ruri-iro (deep lapis lazuli blue), evoking the serene stillness of the night sky and the gentle flow of water, imparting a sense of mystery and tranquility. The ukon-iro (golden turmeric-colored) mizuhiki woven into this composition adds a refined radiance, akin to the glow of gilded light, enhancing the overall elegance and sophistication. Cherishing the beauty of each season and treasuring the bonds between people, "Hana-Zukushi Mizuhiki Mon" is a design that transcends time. Within its intricate patterns lies the essence of Japanese aesthetics, woven together with unwavering wishes for good fortune and prosperity. [Material] Paper, bamboo [Regarding sizes] Closed length: 22cm, Open length: 36cm [Weight] 25g *Folding fan only [Accessories] Fan bag, original paper box [Country of origin] Japan (Kyoto) [About Kyo-sensu] The surface, ribs, and finishing process of Kyo-sensu are all produced in Kyoto or its suburbs, and are made in Japan. Kyo-sensu are said to pass through the hands of craftsmen 87 times. The manufacturing process of a fan is divided into dozens of detailed steps, and each step is carefully finished by a craftsman at each step, from the ribs to the base paper, overpainting, folding, and finishing. [Note on stock quantity] We make our products to order, but due to system reasons, the stock quantity is set to "1". Please note that we will start production after receiving your order. *We may have stock available. [Production period] Since these are made to order, they will be carefully made by craftsmen in Kyoto. Please note that it may take about two months for delivery after your order is placed.
【京扇子】雅久寿玉文 紅色
【通常扇子】 [文様]雅久寿玉文 [色彩]紅色 [恩恵]五穀豊穣、延命長寿 [意味] 「久寿玉」とは、邪気を払うために室内に掛けた薬玉を文様化したものです。古くは平安時代、中国で端午の節句・5月5日に魔除けを祈願する風習が日本へ伝わり、平安貴族間の行事の一つとしてとり行われていました。五色の糸は古代中国において森羅万象を形作る五行(木・火・土・金・水)が調和した状態を表すもので、四季が順当にめぐり、世界が泰平で円満に運ぶようにとの願いが込められています。 端午の節句に行われていた「観騎射式」(後の流鏑馬の先駆けとなるもの)の際には天皇に献上されたものが諸臣に下賜されるなど、その華やかさからも贈答品として平安貴族の間で重宝されていました。 この行事は江戸時代まで続きましたがそれ以降は庶民の間で女児の玩具として流行しました。やがてその華麗さかさから、邪気を払い長寿を意味する吉祥文様として女性の晴れ着や女児の七五三の着物に多く取り入れられるようになりました。 平安貴族達の華やかな王朝文化を垣間見ることのできる、雅な柄行きです。 [素材]和紙、竹 [規格]閉じた長さ:約22cm、開いた状態:約36cm [重さ]25g※本体のみ [付属品]扇子袋、オリジナル紙箱 [生産国]日本(京都) [京扇子について] 扇面・扇骨・仕上加工ともすべて京都及びその近郊、国内で生産され扇子のことを言います。 「87回職人の手を通る」といわれている「京扇子」。 扇子の製造工程は細かく何十にも分けられ、扇骨から扇面地紙・上絵・折り加工・仕上げと、それぞれの工程の職人がひとつひとつ丁寧に仕上げています。 [在庫数のご注意] 受注制作にて対応させて頂いておりますが、システムの都合上、在庫数を「1」としています。 ご注文後、制作させて頂きますことをご了承下さい。 ※在庫がある場合もございます。 [制作期間] 受注制作の為、京都の職人が丁寧に作らせて頂きます。 ご注文後、納品まで約2か月かかる場合があることをご承知おき下さい。 [オススメのご用途] ◎プレゼント・ギフト ◎各種お祝い・引き出物・内祝い ◎新築・増改築・開店お祝い ◎ご婚約、ご結婚お祝い ◎出産内祝い ◎海外へのお土産 ◎各種記念品として ------------------------------------------------------------- 【 a standard folding fan】 [Title] Elegant Longevity Jewel Design(Miyabi Kusu Tama-mon) [Color] Crimson(Beni-iro) [Blessings] Protection from Calamities, Safe and Sound [Meaning] "Kujyudama" — A Symbol of Protection and Prosperity The "Kujyudama" (literally "longevity ball") is a decorative motif based on a medicinal ball, originally hung indoors to ward off evil spirits. Its origins trace back to the Heian period, when the custom of celebrating the Tango no Sekku (the fifth day of the fifth month) in China, which included prayers for protection against evil, was brought to Japan. This became one of the important rituals among the aristocracy of the Heian period. The five-colored threads used in Kujyudama represent the five elements from ancient Chinese philosophy — wood, fire, earth, metal, and water — symbolizing harmony and balance. The idea behind this pattern is that, as the five elements harmonize, the four seasons pass smoothly, and the world remains peaceful and prosperous. During the Kanki-shiki (a precursor to the famous Japanese Yabusame ritual, a mounted archery event) held during Tango no Sekku, Kujyudama was presented to the Emperor and then distributed to the noblemen as a cherished gift. Its vibrant and elegant nature made it highly valued as a ceremonial offering. This tradition continued until the Edo period, after which the Kujyudama pattern gained popularity as a toy for girls. Over time, its dazzling beauty led it to be incorporated into auspicious motifs, symbolizing protection against evil spirits and longevity. It began to appear in the festive attire of women and in the Shichi-Go-San (a traditional rite of passage for children at ages three, five, and seven) outfits for girls. The Kujyudama is an elegant and refined pattern that allows us to catch a glimpse of the vibrant court culture of the Heian aristocracy, and remains a symbol of auspiciousness and protection for prosperity. [Material] Paper, bamboo [Regarding sizes] Closed length: 22cm, Open length: 36cm [Weight] 25g *Folding fan only [Accessories] Fan bag, original paper box [Country of origin] Japan (Kyoto) [About Kyo-sensu] The surface, ribs, and finishing process of Kyo-sensu are all produced in Kyoto or its suburbs, and are made in Japan. Kyo-sensu are said to pass through the hands of craftsmen 87 times. The manufacturing process of a fan is divided into dozens of detailed steps, and each step is carefully finished by a craftsman at each step, from the ribs to the base paper, overpainting, folding, and finishing. [Note on stock quantity] We make our products to order, but due to system reasons, the stock quantity is set to "1". Please note that we will start production after receiving your order. *We may have stock available. [Production period] Since these are made to order, they will be carefully made by craftsmen in Kyoto. Please note that it may take about two months for delivery after your order is placed.
【京扇子】 乱菊と花尽し文 緋色
【通常扇子】 [文様]乱菊と花尽し文 [色彩]緋色 [恩恵]長寿安泰、繁栄昌盛 [意味] 「乱菊と花尽く文」は、オレンジ色の乱菊を基調に、椿、牡丹、梅、紅葉など四季折々の花々が鮮やかな配色で描かれた美しい意匠です。これらの花々は、日本に古くから伝わる深い意味を持ち、それぞれの花が季節の移ろいとともに、願いや象徴を表現しています。 乱れ咲く菊は、長寿や高貴の象徴として知られ、生命力の強さや逆境に立ち向かう力を意味します。椿は冬の寒さの中で凛として咲き、誠実さや貞操を象徴し、強さと美しさを兼ね備えた花です。牡丹は「百花の王」として、富貴や繁栄を象徴する華やかな花です。梅は寒い冬に最初に花開き、希望や新たな始まりを意味し、春の訪れを告げる大切な存在です。そして、紅葉は秋の深まりを象徴し、豊かな実りや成熟、感謝の気持ちを表すとともに、季節の移り変わりを祝う意味を持ちます。 これらの花々が描かれることによって、日本の四季の美しさと自然の循環の中で育まれる精神が表現されています。花々が花びらの囲いに収められることで、それぞれの花の象徴的な意味が強調され、豊かな自然の恵みや、幸せを願う心が込められています。 「乱菊と花尽く文」は、四季折々の花々が織りなす鮮やかな世界を通じて、自然の美しさと日本人の心に根付いた祝福の精神を感じさせる意匠です。 [素材]和紙、竹 [規格]閉じた長さ:約22cm、開いた状態:約36cm [重さ]25g※本体のみ [付属品]扇子袋、オリジナル紙箱 [生産国]日本(京都) [京扇子について] 扇面・扇骨・仕上加工ともすべて京都及びその近郊、国内で生産され扇子のことを言います。 「87回職人の手を通る」といわれている「京扇子」。 扇子の製造工程は細かく何十にも分けられ、扇骨から扇面地紙・上絵・折り加工・仕上げと、それぞれの工程の職人がひとつひとつ丁寧に仕上げています。 [在庫数のご注意] 受注制作にて対応させて頂いておりますが、システムの都合上、在庫数を「1」としています。 ご注文後、制作させて頂きますことをご了承下さい。 ※在庫がある場合もございます。 [制作期間] 受注制作の為、京都の職人が丁寧に作らせて頂きます。 ご注文後、納品まで約2か月かかる場合があることをご承知おき下さい。 [オススメのご用途] ◎プレゼント・ギフト ◎各種お祝い・引き出物・内祝い ◎新築・増改築・開店お祝い ◎ご婚約、ご結婚お祝い ◎出産内祝い ◎海外へのお土産 ◎各種記念品として ------------------------------------------------------------- 【 a standard folding fan】 [Title] Chrysanthemums and Complete Floral Design(Ran Kiku-to Hanatsukusi-mon) [Color] Scarlet(Hi-iro) [Blessings] Longevity and Peace、Prosperity [Meaning] **"Ran-Kiku and Hana-Zukushi Mon" — A Beautiful Motif of Seasonal Flowers and Japanese Symbolism** "Ran-Kiku and Hana-Zukushi Mon" is a beautiful design featuring orange **chrysanthemums** as the base, with vibrant depictions of seasonal flowers such as **camellias**, **peonies**, **plums**, and **autumn leaves**. These flowers carry deep meanings that have been passed down in Japan for centuries, with each one symbolizing different wishes and embodying the changing seasons. The blooming **chrysanthemum** is known as a symbol of longevity and nobility, representing vitality and the strength to overcome adversity. The **camellia** blooms with grace even in the cold of winter, symbolizing sincerity and chastity, while embodying both strength and beauty. The **peony**, known as the "King of Flowers," is a majestic flower that symbolizes wealth and prosperity. The **plum** is the first to bloom in the cold of winter, symbolizing hope and new beginnings, marking the arrival of spring. Finally, the **autumn leaves** symbolize the deepening of autumn, representing abundant harvest, maturity, and gratitude, while celebrating the changing of the seasons. By depicting these flowers, the design reflects the beauty of Japan’s four seasons and the spirit nurtured through nature’s cycles. The flowers enclosed in petals emphasize the symbolic meanings of each one, expressing a wish for prosperity and happiness through the bountiful blessings of nature. "Ran-Kiku and Hana-Zukushi Mon" is a motif that conveys the beauty of the changing seasons and evokes the spirit of blessings deeply rooted in the hearts of the Japanese people. [Material] Paper, bamboo [Regarding sizes] Closed length: 22cm, Open length: 36cm [Weight] 25g *Folding fan only [Accessories] Fan bag, original paper box [Country of origin] Japan (Kyoto) [About Kyo-sensu] The surface, ribs, and finishing process of Kyo-sensu are all produced in Kyoto or its suburbs, and are made in Japan. Kyo-sensu are said to pass through the hands of craftsmen 87 times. The manufacturing process of a fan is divided into dozens of detailed steps, and each step is carefully finished by a craftsman at each step, from the ribs to the base paper, overpainting, folding, and finishing. [Note on stock quantity] We make our products to order, but due to system reasons, the stock quantity is set to "1". Please note that we will start production after receiving your order. *We may have stock available. [Production period] Since these are made to order, they will be carefully made by craftsmen in Kyoto. Please note that it may take about two months for delivery after your order is placed.
【京扇子】菊と露芝文 漆黒と黄金色
【通常扇子】 [文様]菊と露芝文 [色彩]漆黒と黄金色 [恩恵]長寿繁栄、清廉潔白 [意味] 「菊と露芝文」は、京友禅における季節の移ろいと自然の美を讃えた、まさに日本の情緒が息づく意匠です。菊の花は、その凛とした姿で長寿や繁栄を象徴し、秋の風物詩として人々の心に深く刻まれています。菊の花びらが広がる中、露に濡れた芝生が優雅に描かれ、その一滴一滴が清廉さと新たな生命の誕生を感じさせます。露芝の精緻な表現には、自然の無常を思い、瞬間の美しさを大切にする日本人の心が息づいているのです。 また、背景には梅や藤、あやめ、紅葉といった花々があしらわれ、四季折々の美しさが織りなす物語を伝えています。梅は春の訪れを、藤は優雅な時の流れを、あやめは女性の美しさを、紅葉は秋の豊かな彩りを象徴し、全体が一つの自然の詩を成しています。この文様は、見る人々に静けさと希望を与え、自然と調和しながら生きることの尊さを教えてくれるかのようです。 [素材]和紙、竹 [規格]閉じた長さ:約22cm、開いた状態:約36cm [重さ]25g※本体のみ [付属品]扇子袋、オリジナル紙箱 [生産国]日本(京都) [京扇子について] 扇面・扇骨・仕上加工ともすべて京都及びその近郊、国内で生産され扇子のことを言います。 「87回職人の手を通る」といわれている「京扇子」。 扇子の製造工程は細かく何十にも分けられ、扇骨から扇面地紙・上絵・折り加工・仕上げと、それぞれの工程の職人がひとつひとつ丁寧に仕上げています。 [在庫数のご注意] 受注制作にて対応させて頂いておりますが、システムの都合上、在庫数を「1」としています。 ご注文後、制作させて頂きますことをご了承下さい。 ※在庫がある場合もございます。 [制作期間] 受注制作の為、京都の職人が丁寧に作らせて頂きます。 ご注文後、納品まで約2か月かかる場合があることをご承知おき下さい。 [オススメのご用途] ◎プレゼント・ギフト ◎各種お祝い・引き出物・内祝い ◎新築・増改築・開店お祝い ◎ご婚約、ご結婚お祝い ◎出産内祝い ◎海外へのお土産 ◎各種記念品として ------------------------------------------------------------- 【 a standard folding fan】 [Title] Chrysanthemum and Dew-covered Grass Design(Kiku to Tsuyushiba-mon) [Color] (Sikkoku to Kogane-iro) [Blessings] Longevity and Prosperity Integrity and Purity or Impeccable Integrity [Meaning] The "Chrysanthemum and Dew-covered Grass Pattern" is a design in Kyoto Yuzen that celebrates the changing seasons and the beauty of nature, embodying the essence of Japanese sentiment. The chrysanthemum, with its dignified form, symbolizes longevity and prosperity, deeply etched in the hearts of people as an autumnal motif. As the petals of the chrysanthemum unfold, the dew-covered grass is gracefully depicted, with each drop evoking a sense of purity and the birth of new life. The intricate portrayal of dew-covered grass reflects the Japanese spirit of appreciating the fleeting beauty of nature and the transient nature of existence. In the background, flowers such as plum, wisteria, iris, and maple are incorporated, weaving a story of the beauty found in each season. The plum represents the arrival of spring, wisteria signifies the graceful passage of time, iris symbolizes feminine beauty, and the maple reflects the rich colors of autumn. Together, these elements create a natural poem. This design imparts a sense of tranquility and hope to those who view it, teaching the preciousness of living in harmony with nature. [Material] Paper, bamboo [Regarding sizes] Closed length: 22cm, Open length: 36cm [Weight] 25g *Folding fan only [Accessories] Fan bag, original paper box [Country of origin] Japan (Kyoto) [About Kyo-sensu] The surface, ribs, and finishing process of Kyo-sensu are all produced in Kyoto or its suburbs, and are made in Japan. Kyo-sensu are said to pass through the hands of craftsmen 87 times. The manufacturing process of a fan is divided into dozens of detailed steps, and each step is carefully finished by a craftsman at each step, from the ribs to the base paper, overpainting, folding, and finishing. [Note on stock quantity] We make our products to order, but due to system reasons, the stock quantity is set to "1". Please note that we will start production after receiving your order. *We may have stock available. [Production period] Since these are made to order, they will be carefully made by craftsmen in Kyoto. Please note that it may take about two months for delivery after your order is placed.